CIRRUS is a Nordic-Baltic network of Art and Design higher education. There are 20 excellent art and design schools from the Nordics and the Baltics in the circle of this cooperation. The central activities of the partner institutions are art and design, including innovative activities, technical development and artistic practices.

CIRRUS annual network meeting Helsinki, Aalto Arts! For teachers, leaders, coordinators: September 27-29, 2023

Cirrus Network Meeting at Aalto University
Event Schedule (scroll down for exact venues and map links in text)
Aalto University map

We are excited to welcome you to the Cirrus Network Meeting for teachers, leaders and coordinators at Aalto University on September 27-29, focusing on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) issues in art, design, and education. The event aims to foster discussions on building resilient university communities.

Day 1 (Wed, Sep 27):

13:00-17:00: Opportunity for Informal Collaboration: If you wish to meet with a colleague for any collaborative projects or discussions outside of your official duties, this is your chance. Set up your own working group!

17:00 Official Programme: Welcoming words and guided tour at EMMA-museum in Espoo
Ahertajantie 5, 02070 Espoo
60°10’43″N 24°47’40″E

Day 2 (Thu, Sep 28):

9:00-12:00: General Assembly 01 at Dipoli (Aalto welcome, presentation, EDI-themed keynote by Shivani Prakash and Josina Vink “Beyond Diversity in Design”*, and discussions coordinated by Linda Mäkinen and CIRRUS board members)
9.30 Welcome
10.00 Keynote + Q&A

If you take the metro to Otaniemi, take the Otaniementie-exit from the metro to exit via A Bloc
A Bloc / Otaniemi metro-station
Otaniementie 12, 02150 Espoo
60°11’05″N 24°49’31″E

9:00 Registration at Dipoli
Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo
60°11’05″N 24°49’55″E

12:00 Lunch in Ravintola Metso, in Dipoli second floor

13:00 Guided tour of the Väre-building in Teachers, Coordinators and Leadership groups

Otaniementie 14, 02150 Espoo
60°11’07″N 24°49’32″E

14:00 – 17:00 Teachers workshop at the Harald Herlin learning centre (former Library)
60°11’20″N 24°49’48″E
Otaniementie 9, 02150 Espoo

Room 126 Juho

14:00 – 17:00 Coordinators and Leadership workshops at the Undergraduate Centre
60°11’08.9″N 24°49’39.2″E

Otakaari 1, 02150 Espoo

Room Y115 Leadership

Room U137a Coordinators

19: 00 Dinner at Restaurant Töölö
Runeberginkatu 14-16, 00100 Helsinki
60°10’18″N 24°55’25″E

Day 3 (Fri, Sep 29):

9:00 Second day joint session starting at A Grid / Mordor
Otakaari 5, 02150 Espoo
60°11’20″N 24°49’48″E
Groupwork rooms:
D309 Krampus
D209 Centaur
D209 Morso
H411 Valhalla

12:00 Lunch at Ravintola Metso in Dipoli

Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo
60°11’05″N 24°49’55″E

13:00 General Assembly at Lumituuli in Dipoli

Social programme
16:00 Studio Aalto guided tour (15 persons only – you will get a separate e-mail if you got a seat)
Tiilimäki 20, 00330 Helsinki
60°11’53.7″N 24°52’11.1″E
18:00 Löyly Helsinki – even if you don’t want to go to the sauna, everyone can join the restaurant
Hernesaarenranta 4, 00150 Helsinki
60°09’07″N 24°55’49″E

*About Keynote Speakers and Talk

Beyond Diversity in Design

This talk will take a critical look at efforts to diversify design. It will share learnings from struggles to create structural change in and through design practice and education. The session will also offer some frameworks to guide reflexive action in addressing inequity.


Shivani Prakash and Josina Vink (photo: Bim Totland)

Shivani Prakash (she/her) is a senior service and systemic designer at Designit, Oslo. She brings forth experience working in different design capacities along with a critical lens towards mainstream design practice and its impact on society. Shivani leverages a research-based lens to continually understand and challenge methods, approaches and tools to maintain a sensitive and inclusive orientation to her work.

Josina Vink (they/them) is associate professor in the Institute of Design at Oslo School of Architecture and Design. Their research and teaching focuses on shaping social structures through design. Josina has over a decade of experience working as a designer in health and care in Canada, the United States and Sweden.

Josina and Shivani co-facilitated the initiative “Opening Up AHO” to address issues of discrimination, oppression and inequity at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design.


Public Transport
Traveling by Metro is quick and keeps you safe from the weather. The HSL-journey planner is a good way to plan your trip, and you can get tickets with the HSL app (iOS and Android)

Hotel Helka
Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 23, 00100 Helsinki
60°10’12″N 24°55’39″E