CIRRUS is a Nordic-Baltic network of Art and Design higher education. There are 20 excellent art and design schools from the Nordics and the Baltics in the circle of this cooperation. The central activities of the partner institutions are art and design, including innovative activities, technical development and artistic practices.

CIRRUS Leadership meeting online on October 14, 2022

Hello Cirrus Network Leaders!
Welcome to this autumn’s digital Cirrus Leadership Session “Strategic Change Management”, October 14th!
As we decided at the Riga Cirrus Annual Network Meeting, it is now time to meet again to share and discuss during a digital Leadership session. We will meet on zoom (link shared after registration) mid-day on October 14th, 11.30-13.00 CET (12.30 – 14.00 EET). We sincerely hope as many of you as possible can participate!
Please sign up here, by October 7th.
During the session, we will as usual share challenges and insights of arts and design school leadership. We therefore suggest that you who attend this session hold a leadership role with overall strategic development and management responsibilities for an institute or a unit, or similar.
The meeting consists of two main parts, a “Tour de school” round of short glimpses of the current issues in leading changes across the network, and a more in-depth discussion about the change management topics and situations we are facing.
This online meeting is also meant to ramp up towards our planned in-person Cirrus Leadership session, 29-30 March 2023 (lunch-to-lunch). So please mark your calendars for that as well!
Stay safe, and warm regards,
The Cirrus board