CIRRUS is a Nordic-Baltic network of Art and Design higher education. There are 20 excellent art and design schools from the Nordics and the Baltics in the circle of this cooperation. The central activities of the partner institutions are art and design, including innovative activities, technical development and artistic practices.

Overprint II

Foil printing workshop “Overprint II”

Dates: 20 – 24. January 2020 in EKA

Short course description

The aim of workshop is to explore the possibilities of foil-print and foil-tooling technologies, as well re-using printed matter in creating an artist book. In the course students will be introduced to techniques as hand tooling, cliché print, foil drawing, digital foil-print and other foil transferee possibilities. 

Organization of the cours

  • Presentation of techniques and materials 
  • Practical tasks, experimenting, idea sketching 
  • Making micro edition of artist-book in group work

Techers: prof. Lennart Mänd (department of Accessory design and bookbinding EKA), prof. Liina Siib (department of Graphic Art EKA)

Number of available places for Cirrus students: 2

Requirements: course is opened to BA and MA students but applicants should have finished at least 1 year at the bachelor level in design or art.

Application deadline: 10th December, 2019

How to apply: Send your full name, name of home school and name of the program you study in and a motivation letter (max 1 page), digital portfolio or homepage or some samples of you previous work to

Upon successful application, grant can be applied for like described here.