CIRRUS is a Nordic-Baltic network of Art and Design higher education. There are 20 excellent art and design schools from the Nordics and the Baltics in the circle of this cooperation. The central activities of the partner institutions are art and design, including innovative activities, technical development and artistic practices.

CIRRUS express in Iceland / March 25 – 29, 2019


Title of course: A More Sustainable Future
Teaching period: March 25th – 29th 2019
Teacher: Elisa Palomino
Number of available place for CIRRUS students: 3
Level: BA
Requirements: Student applicants should be design students registered in a fashion/textile programme
Grant available (per student): 660 EUR travel / 70 EUR weekly allowance
Application deadline:  
12 February
How to apply: Please send a motivation letter (max 350 words) about why you are interested in taking part in this course, to


Photo Natalie Malric

Photo: Natalie Malric

Course description:Sustainable practices are now becoming part of mainstream fashion and they are being seen as an opportunity rather than a challenge for the fashion industry. The advancements of sustainable textile development are allowing designers to further their visions on fashion.Designers are now able to choose or develop their own sustainable materials taking care of the environment.

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.

This workshop provides an overview of the new alternative materials available, the concept of craft and how to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through your design work.

The workshop is intended to explore contemporary sustainable materials and material sourcing, offering you a wider perspective to help you discover your individual approach to contributing to more sustainable practices.

The workshop will be a combination of lectures, group exercises and practical design exercises.