CIRRUS is a Nordic-Baltic network of Art and Design higher education. There are 20 excellent art and design schools from the Nordics and the Baltics in the circle of this cooperation. The central activities of the partner institutions are art and design, including innovative activities, technical development and artistic practices.

Concepting Principles & New Designer Roles, April 16 – 20, 2018


CIRRUS intensive workshop „Concepting Principles & New Designer Rolesin Klaipeda
The Faculty of Klaipeda (Vilnius Academy of Arts) are  hosting joint Cirrus workshop „Concepting Principles & New Designer Roles.

1,5 ECTS
CIRRUS seats: 6
Klaipeda (Daržų st.18), Lithuania
April 16 – 20, 2018 (arrival April 15th, departure April 21st)
CIRRUS grant available: 330 EUR / (660 EUR Iceland) travel + 70 EUR weekly

Workshop concept

In a world changing from a product focus to an experience focus, the role of designers is expanding to new areas. Designers are increasingly joining processes not to create ‘design output’, but to add ‘design thinking’ to the process.But how do you do your ‘design thinking’? Do you actually know how you get from nothing to something?
This workshop will focus on the design process and explores new designer roles.

6 students will be selected from Cirrus network partner schools.

The workshop is open to students of all types of designe speciality, from furniture design to graphic design, from architecture to sound design.

No specific skills or tools are required to participate, but bringing a laptop and/or pencils is recommended.

Level: MA and BA last courses students.
The teacher of the workshop is Bas Könning.
Bas Könning is part time professor at AKI, ArtEZ University of the Arts in Enschede, The Netherlands. With his own company in Amsterdam, he collaborates in all kinds of innovative processes, his field of work expands to all changing domains, from broadcasters and other media parties to airlines and governments, from local cultural events to major software companies in the US.

More about lecturer Bas Könning:


Application process:  fill application due March 18, 2018
Decisions on selection are announced by March 25, 2018

Responsible lecturer is Ruta Jakstoniene

Apply, please, with a short motivational letter and a link to your portoflio to the lecturer Ruta Jakstoniene


Workshop „Concepting Principles & New Designer Roles‘ timetable

The workshop will take place in the week from April 16 through 20.
Every day will start with a presentation at 10 am and end with a presentation at 5pm
During the day attendees are expected to work on the premises, individually or in groups.
Attendees are expected to be present all five days.