CIRRUS is a Nordic-Baltic network of Art and Design higher education. There are 20 excellent art and design schools from the Nordics and the Baltics in the circle of this cooperation. The central activities of the partner institutions are art and design, including innovative activities, technical development and artistic practices.

Express in Riga: Re///Action. Apply due Jan 25


Title of course: Re///Action
Teaching period: February 18-23, 2019
Teacher(s): Martin Foessleitner
ECTS: 1.5
Number of available place for CIRRUS students: 4
Level: BA and MA
Requirements:User Testing Support Course for Graduating Students (for those who are planning to graduate this year)

Application deadline:  January 25, 2019

How to apply:
Send ashort motivation and CV to with subject title:
“CIRRUS expressReAction”

Course description:Based on the individual topic of each students thesis,

we will have a close look on tools for capturing and understanding people´s behaviour and reaction but even before: how to design a participative design process, what is the impact of mock-ups, why does an iterative approach is so helpful, how to organize, do and present all documentation.
At the end each participant should have a customized toolbox for working.

Additional information:Teacher Martin Foessleitner (MBA Vienna University of Economics and Business) – founder and managing director of High-Performance Vienna GmBH; board member of International Institute for Information Design; board member of designaustria; jurymember of the European Design Award. Experience sharing and teaching at Sigmund Freud University Vienna, Danube University Krems and University of Applied Sciences St.Pölten in Austria.