Lahti Green Design Week

The European Green Capital City of Lahti the Lahti Green Design Week event is being held. As a part of that all Cirrus friends are invited to join in on the Design Venture Day on May 4th!
You can find the whole week’s programme and info at
More info also available at and on Instragram
Design Venture Day May 4th, 2021
LAB University of Applied Sciences showcases benefits of design in business in a variety of industries. Special themes are innovation, circular economy and responsibility. The programme is free of charge. (All times EET.) No registration is needed to seminar/programme.
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- Programme (9.00 – 12.20)
9.00 Avaus / Opening
Veli-Pekka Räty, TKI-asiantuntija, TaT
Marko Hanhisuanto, Toimitusjohtaja, KTM
9.10 Kestävä ja vastuullinen vaatesuunnittelu, Annariina Ruokamo (in finnish/suomeksi)
9.50 Design and designer : Towards new industrial and marketing paradigms, Christian Guellerin (in English)
Christian Guellerin, Executive Director, L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique, France
“The new industrial and commercial balance of the world, the green and sustainable economy, the management of a new social intelligence around networks are the principal stakes on which “globalisation of the economy and trade” will be dictated.
Designers will be the major actors to study and respond to the profound changes in which products and services will be conceived, sold and consumed. It seems likely that they will play a strategic role in the companies that need to develop. Many of them will have to adapt, mutate, and change their line of business if they wish to continue to live through the evolution and the industrial reorganisation. The socio-economic importance of the approach to creation and innovation in the global context follows the era of total quality: it is no longer a matter of “doing even better what we already know how to do” but doing by creating “the unknown from the known” in order to create new situations on a greater and sustainable level. This is probably how we should reconsider the industrial paradigms of western economies faced with globalisation. It is up to GM, Ford, and Renault to reflect logically and strategically on what they could produce as long as it is not cars. Who would have thought 10 years ago that Apple would be the market leader in music broadcasting apart from its designers perhaps?”
10.30–10.40 Tauko / Pause
10.40 Palvelumuotoilulla ympäristövastuullisuutta yritysten kuluttajaratkaisuihin, Mirja Kälviäinen (in Finnish/suomeksi)
11.20 Innovation VIA Design, Alok b. Nandi (in English)
Alok b. Nandi, creative director, Architempo + Spread Design
“From contextual exploration to scenario envisioning, how can Design help frame approaches and decisions, with an entrepreneurial mindset? The VIA Framework will connect Design Thinking with Innovation Tooling for today’s shifting moments, aiming to align desirable, viable and feasible.”
12.00 Miten muotoilu löytää tiensä yrityksen tuotteisiin ja palveluihin, Marko Hanhisuanto (in finnish/suomeksi)
12.20 Closing
- Innovation VIA Design Workshop (14.30-17.30) – Registration to workshop is needed, see below
“How to focus on operations while implementing innovations in order to sustain activities?”
The context is changing, characterised by complexity, ambiguity, contradiction. Systems are under stress. Collective vs individual behaviours are challenging the position and development of activities for companies as well institutions. We invite you to explore the Next and the Near, shaping propositions for bettering our place, our planet. Stretch imagination and sketch ideas. Collect stories and connect strategies.
More information:
Info and registration to the workshop:
For additional information please contact:
Ulla Saarela
TKI-asiantuntija| RDI Specialist|Projektipäällikkö|Project Manager
LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu | LAB University of Applied Sciences
Muotoiluinstituutti | Institute of Design and Fine Arts
Mukkulankatu 19, 15101 Lahti, Finland
+358 44 708 0359