CIRRUS is a Nordic-Baltic network of Art and Design higher education. There are 20 excellent art and design schools from the Nordics and the Baltics in the circle of this cooperation. The central activities of the partner institutions are art and design, including innovative activities, technical development and artistic practices.

LEGO CIRRUS camp successfully finished!

NORDPLUS intensive course took place in Kolding from May 5-9, 2014.
“We know the ’New Nordic Kitchen’, ’New Nordic Fashion’, and ‘New Nordic Architecture’ – now we also have the ’New Nordic Design Camp’. From 5 – 9 May, Design School Kolding and LEGO hosted the LEGO Meets the World Design Camp for BA students from the Nordic Cirrus network. The topic: play and design.”
More info here. Thank you Kolding team for making it happen!