CIRRUS is a Nordic-Baltic network of Art and Design higher education. There are 20 excellent art and design schools from the Nordics and the Baltics in the circle of this cooperation. The central activities of the partner institutions are art and design, including innovative activities, technical development and artistic practices.

New! CIRRUS express course in Bergen

Week 4-5 + 7-10, 2017 CIRRUS EXPRESS:

Teaching staff: Professor Kari Dyrdal and Associate Professor Jon Pettersen
Host: KHIB
Level: BA and MA
Credits: 9 ECTS (weeks 4-10); 6 ECTS (weeks 7-10)
Application deadline: 1 December, 2016 (more on it below)
Grant: 330 EUR travel (Iceland 660 EUR)/ + 70 EUR weekly allowance

Professor Jon Pettersen would like to invite 2-4 CIRRUS students for either the whole period (weeks 4-10 + seminar 20 January) or the last 4 weeks (weeks 7-10).


  • a kick off seminar ‘Making is thinking’ 20 January
  • two weeks core course; guest students who prefer to join will be able to adjust the program according to their background (week 4-5, 2017)
  • week 6 includes no teaching, but the workshop will be open and the technician will be present to assist students
  • four weeks workshop in digital weaving (weeks 7-10); the programme will be adjusted to the group, followed by theory and group/individual tutorials




  • Give access to knowledge relevant for artistic development through theory, digital tools and practice in the studio for weaving.
  • To find new ways of building textiles in 2D and 3D by use of construction in combination with materials, textures and colours.


  • Basic and complex theory on weaves.
  • Construction of weaves and combinations in one or more layers / systems.
  • Methods for developing motives and patterns by using different software: WeavePoint, Photoshop and Nedgraphics (Texelle, Product Creator)
  • Individual tutoring in the process of transforming ideas into the medium of textile.
  • Experiments/ sampling in workshop by using: Digital dobby looms, TC-1, TC-2 and the old jacquard loom with a new digital system.
  • Preparing files for hand-weaving and/or industrial production.
  • Study trip to a weaving factory.


The program for week 4-5 will be organized as a core course for internal students with access to the same tools. The guest students who prefer to join will be able to adjust their program according to their background. Week 6 include no teaching, but the workshop will be open and the part time technician will be there.

The program for week 7-10 will be adjusted to the (partly new) group and followed by theory and tutoring in groups and individually.

Apply with a brief motivation letter and a few work samples to Please state in the application which period you are applying for!

Seminar Friday 20th of January 2017:

Making is Thinking

A seminar focusing on thinking and contextualizing through material; to give value to presence, insight and intimacy in experimenting, to investigate and develop a process where the making, the adjustments, the adding and subtracting are vital elements in developing visual and material art.

Location: Marken 37, Red Room, 2nd floor
Seminar leader: Kari Dyrdal: Textile Artist / professor at KHiB
Contributors (to be confirmed):

Per Inge Bjørlo: Painter, sculptor, installation artist
Gunvor Nervold Antonsen: Textile artist / Installation artist. Recipient of Nordic Textile Award 2015
Thomas Pihl: Painter/associate professor KHiB
Ingrid Aarset: Textile artist/associate professor KHiB
Hilde Hauan Johnsen: Textile artist/professor KHiB
Jorunn Veiteberg: Art Historian, Copenhagen